Gratefully, happily, and amazingly providing solutions for your needs.
We have many products in the design and development phases, such as the "wizamagig," the "show-off," and the "star-light." But, our flagship product is the Electronic Flashing Scout Neckerchief Slide. It is fun to make and fun to wear. Check it out.

Are you looking for something special? Let us custom design and develop a product specifically for you. You can request you own custom product and we'll be happy to discuss it with you.
Amazing Electronic Flashing Neckerchief Slide - The Amazing Electronic Flashing Neckerchief Slide is a one-of-a-kind neckerchief slide electronic kit that will Wow your fellow scouts. It was conceived, designed, programmed, packaged, and now sold by a boy scout (actually Isaiah is an Eagle Scout).

The Amazing Electronic Flashing Neckerchief Slide will help you learn many basic concepts of electronics as you assemble the kit. The assembling of the kit will help you with the successful completion of requirement #3 and #4 of the Boy Scouts Electronics Merit Badge. Click for details.

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